Friday, March 5, 2010


Photosynthesis is the making of food by plants. The essential ingredients in making this food are sunlight, the chlorophyll that is present in green plants, water and carbon dioxide in the air. Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar.

Source of picture: Biomass Energy --Energy from Plants and Animals (

Photosynthesis takes place primarily in plant leaves, and little to none occurs in stems. The parts of a typical leaf include the upper and lower epidermis, the mesophyll, the vascular bundle(s) (veins), and the stomates. The upper and lower epidermal cells do not have chloroplasts, thus photosynthesis does not occur there ("Photosynthesis," 1999). They serve primarily as protection for the rest of the leaf. The stomates are holes which occur primarily in the lower epidermis and are for air exchange: they let CO2 in and O2 out. The vascular bundles or veins in a leaf are part of the plant's transportation system, moving water and nutrients around the plant as needed. The mesophyll cells have chloroplasts and this is where photosynthesis occurs.
Source of information: Photosynthesis (

Do you want to know more about photosynthesis? Click watch video now!

Do you know how does the photosynthesis process occur?


Anonymous said...

Photosynthesis occurs in two stages. These stages are called the light reactions and the dark reactions. The light reactions take place in the presence of light. The dark reactions do not require direct light, however dark reactions in most plants occur during the day.

houry said...

during the light reaction carbon dioxide gas is transformed inot oxygen gas that we humans need to survive and the dark reaction is when the reverse happens, oxygen is converted into carbon dioxide.