Friday, March 5, 2010

Parts of Plants

There are three main parts of the plant: root, stem and leaf.
The root is the part of a plant that is usually found underground but can also be above ground. Roots' jobs are: to absorb or take in water and minerals from the ground, to hold the plant in place, to store food for the plant, and to prevent soil erosion.

Source of picture: Plants-parts (
The stem is a part of the plant that holds up other structures such as the leaves and flowers. This is important as the leaves need to be held up to the sun to get its light for photosynthesis and the flowers need to be held up to be available for pollination ("Great Plant Escape - Plant Structure," n.d.). Stems also carry water and minerals up from the roots to the leaves to help with photosynthesis and take food back down to be stored and distributed to the plant as it has need.
The leaf is a part of the plant that is charge of making food for the plant (Jordan, 1995). This food making process is called photosynthesis.
Can you name other parts of the plant?

Sources of information:
Jordan, Helen J. (1995). How a Seed Grows. New York: Thomas Crowell.
Great Plant Escape - Plant Structure (

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